Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center: https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/MessageCenter - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. New Features New Autodesk integration will allow users to open DWG files from OneDirve and SharePoint in the AutoCAD web app ( Roadmap ID: 33414 ) New Task pane in Outlook on the web ( Roadmap ID: 44211 ) Smart Time suggestion coming to Outlook on the web ( Roadmap ID: 48581 ) Admin Updates Additional Outlook mobile app configurations ( Roadmap ID: 42512 & 42521 ) Management of restricted users has moved from the Action Center to the Security and Compliance Center ( Roadmap ID: 31546 ) Per-Machine installs of the OneDrive sync client for machines with multiple users ( Roadmap ID: 49424 ) DLP policies for Teams messages ( Roadma...
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