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Showing posts from March, 2019

O365 Weekly Digest - 03/25/2019

Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center:  - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. New Features New Autodesk integration will allow users to open DWG files from OneDirve and SharePoint in the AutoCAD web app ( Roadmap ID: 33414 ) New Task pane in Outlook on the web ( Roadmap ID: 44211 ) Smart Time suggestion coming to Outlook on the web ( Roadmap ID: 48581 ) Admin Updates Additional Outlook mobile app configurations ( Roadmap ID: 42512  &  42521 ) Management of restricted users has moved from the Action Center to the Security and Compliance Center ( Roadmap ID: 31546 ) Per-Machine installs of the OneDrive sync client for machines with multiple users ( Roadmap ID: 49424 ) DLP policies for Teams messages ( Roadma...

O365 Weekly Digest - 03/18/2019

Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center:  - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. New Features New Graph API for Shifts  Rich text formatting is coming to Yammer ( Roadmap ID: 18223 ) Share and coauthor documents with LinkedIn connections ( Roadmap ID: 48534 ) Customized Help links for external sharing in OneDrive and SharePoint ( Roadmap ID: 49288 ) Updates Updated timeline for MyAnalytics Microsoft Whiteboard is getting updates over the next 2-4 months Shareable Links in Word and Outlook are being updated to align with expected permission levels (Roadmap IDs: 33156  & 33870 ) Microsoft To-Do is rolling out targeted release customers ( Roadmap ID: 34338 ) In addition to the announced features this week, Ex...

O365 Weekly Digest - 03/11/2019

Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center:  - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. Lots of great updates to Teams and SharePoint this week but the update I am most excited for is the ability to track flagged emails in Microsoft To-Do ( Roadmap ID: 31812 ). SharePoint 3 new Connected Webparts for SharePoint Online: List Properties, File Viewer, and Embed ( Roadmap ID: 33133 ). More information can be found here: Modern list site collection opt out can now be done via a feature activation The "Return to Classic SharePoint" toggle for lists and libraries will now only affect the list/...

SharePoint Site Theming: Header Background Colors

As Microsoft rolls out the new Mega Menu experience for the Modern UI some of you may be wondering where these colors come from. In this post I will review the header background color options and call out which theme colors get used along the way. From left to right in the image below we have the four background options, which I'll call by the names of their color labels, Background Color (White) Theme, Neutral Light Theme, Light Theme, Dark Theme. I used the Microsoft Theme generator ( ) to create my theme and applied the theme to my tenant using the Add-PnPTenantTheme ( ) command to apply the following theme in PowerShell, I've also added comments to lines that impact themes for your reference. @{ "themePrimary" = "#0a162b"; #Theme Dark Local "themeLighterAlt" = "...

O365 Weekly Digest - 03/04/2019

Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center:  - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. Another week that is a little heavy on updates to previously announced features but this weeks digest includes four exciting new features. For starters MyAnalytics is now being rolled out to all business suites including E1 and E3 (Roadmap ID: 45625 ). If you are not familiar with MyAnalytics you can find more details here: Teams is getting updates to meeting scheduling with the change of the Meetings app to the Calendar app ( Roadmap ID: 48516 ). Whlie SharePoint site navigation will be able to be reordered via a Drag and Drop ( Roadmap ID: 48551 ). And last but not least, li...