Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center: https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/MessageCenter - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday. Updates: Outlook on the web is getting a room card ( Roadmap ID: 59430 ) If you want to take advantage of features that roll out to Outlook on the web you can install Outlook as a PWA: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/use-the-web-version-of-outlook-like-a-desktop-app-b360bd9a-00dc-43a4-bdf8-71cdeeb78e83?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US Office on the Web and Excel are getting updates to @mentions and will now show document context in email notifications ( Roadmap ID: 51538 ) SharePoint is getting page differential views for version history ( Roadmap ID: 57813 ) SharePoint is getting modern image resizing ( Roadmap ID: 57812 ) SharePoint is gett
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