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Showing posts from December, 2020

The Behind the Scenes Scope of SharePoint News

I recently had someone ask if there was any way to disable the ability to send a SharePoint news article to an external party and after some clarification it became apparently that even with external sharing completely disabled in the tenant you can, in fact, send a preview of the article to any email address. After some research it became apparent that there is no ability to turn off this functionality which caused some concern of potential data leakage. For reference we are talking about the SharePoint news article 'Send to' functionality shown below.  While a credential is needed to access the full article, any email sent will include an article preview. The article preview doesn't show anything too worrisome as it is just the title, the first few lines of text, and an image but one area that caught my eye was the ability to add in the optional message. After some testing it does not appear that there is any length limit to the text that can be put in the summary, it got