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O365 Weekly Digest - 12/23/2019

Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center: - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday.


Admin Updates:

  • Microsoft Forms is getting updates/enhancements for phishing (Roadmap ID: 59216)
  • PowerBI is retiring TLS 1.0 and 1.1 in June
  • SharePoint Admin center is getting support for the Global Reader role (Roadmap ID: 59984)
  • Teams is getting additional policy controls for IP Video and Audio (Roadmap ID: 57082)
  • Office 2016 for Mac is reaching end of support in October 2020
  • FindTime (Outlook add-in) will soon store data in the meeting organizers mailbox (Roadmap ID: 58210)

Email Text

Dec 20
New Feature: Outlook on the web - room card
Room features showing up in room cards in Outlook on the web is a new Office 365 and Microsoft 365 feature.We'll be gradually rolling this out everyone in early January 2020.The rollout will be completed by the end of March 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 59430.

Dec 20
Updated Feature: Email notifications for comments and @mentions in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
We’re updating email notifications for comments and @mentions in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.We'll be gradually rolling this out in mid-January 2020The roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of February 2020This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 51538.

Dec 19
Updated Feature: Design update, handling repeated phishers in Forms
We are enhancing phishing protection in Microsoft Forms. This is an update to MC197185 (December 2019).We will roll out this feature in late December 2019.The rollout will be complete in early January 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 59216.

Dec 19
Power BI, retiring TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support, June 2020
Major Update: Announcement started
Act By: May 31
As we recently communicated (MC186218 or MC186827 in July 2019), we are moving all of our online services to Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2+ to provide best-in-class encryption and to ensure our service is more secure by default. Consequently, we will be retiring Power BI support for Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol versions 1.1 and 1.0 beginning June 2020. How does this affect me?Your organization may use older versions of browsers and operating systems that only support TLS...

Dec 19
New Feature: Global reader experience in new SharePoint admin center
The SharePoint admin center will soon support the global reader admin role. Users who are assigned this role will have read-only access to all info and settings in the new SharePoint admin center. This feature is related to the global admin role introduced in MC191391 (September 2019).We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release customers in mid-February 2020.We'll be gradually rolling this out to production and GCC in early March 2020.The roll out will be complete by the end March...

Dec 18
New Feature: SharePoint page difference visualization
We are introducing a way for SharePoint editors to easily access the version history of a page.We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release customers in late December 2019.The roll out will be complete by the beginning of January 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 57813.

Dec 18
Updated Feature: Image resizing in the modern SharePoint experience
We are introducing the ability to resize an image in the modern SharePoint experience.We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release customers in early January 2020.The roll out will be complete by the beginning of February 2020.This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID57812.

Dec 18
New Feature: Custom search results pages for SharePoint Sites
We are introducing custom search results pages for SharePoint sites.We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release customers in early January 2020.The rollout will be complete by the end of February 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 32738.

Dec 18
Updated Feature: Teams meeting policies update
In MC194839, we proposed changes in internet protocol (IP) policies for both video and audio in Teams meetings. Based on your feedback, we have revised the proposed changes in policy.We'll be gradually rolling this out in March 2020.The rollout will be completed in June 2020.This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 57082.
Dec 17
Office 2016 for Mac end of mainstream support
As communicated in MC191345, September 2019, mainstream support for Office 2016 for Mac will come to an end. Upgrades are recommended prior to the support end date.Find details on technical requirement shere.If your organization does not use Office 2016 for Mac you can disregard this message.

Dec 17
New Feature: Outlook on the web - Files view
The Files view in Outlook on the web is a new Office 365 feature..We'll be gradually rolling this out in mid-January 2020.The rollout will be completed by the end of March 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 59643.

Dec 17
Updated Feature: FindTime, updating back-end service
Major Update: Announcement started
We are updating how FindTime stores polling data.We'll be gradually rolling this out to targeted release customers in mid-December 2019.The rollout will be completed by the end of March 2020. This message is associated with Microsoft Office 365 Roadmap ID 58210.

Dec 17
New Feature: Outlook on the web, new mobile browser experience
We are introducing a new experience for Outlook on the web in mobile browsers.We'll be gradually rolling this out to targeted release customers in mid-December.The roll out will be completed by the end of January 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 59334.

Dec 16
New Feature: New features coming to the Office 365 app launcher and
We are modifying how your users access apps.We'll be gradually rolling this out to targeted release customers in mid-January 2020.The rollout will be complete by early February 2020.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 59667.


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