Every week I'll be posting a quick summary of O365 updates included in the admin weekly digest email that you can sign up for via the admin Message Center: https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/MessageCenter - these emails include items posted to the message center over the last week and come out every Monday.
New Features
- Voicemail is now available for all VoIP users in Teams
- Microsoft Search is being rolled out to more users via SharePoint, Office.com and Bing.com (Roadmap ID: 34273)
- Automate processing of small changes in meeting details is rolling out to reduce the number of meeting update notifications (Roadmap ID: 30674)
- Praise in Microsoft Teams (Roadmap ID: 49172)
Admin Updates
- Automated Incident Response (AIR) is now available in O365 ATP P2 or E5 customers. (Roadmap ID: 49537)
- The rollout of Mail Reads in Exchange Online Mailbox Audit has been rolled-back (Roadmap ID: 32224)
- Updated management of restricted users will be rolling out soon (Roadmap ID: 31546)
- Updated mail flow insights coming to the Security and Compliance center with 6 new reports (Roadmap ID: 49361)
- Microsoft is giving more transparency and control over M365 cloud connected data
Email Text
Mar 29
New feature:
Automated Incident Response (AIR) with Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection
Automated Investigation and Response (AIR) is a new Office 365 feature. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 49537. |
Mar 29
Voicemail is now
available for all VoIP-enabled users in Microsoft Teams
Major Update: General Availability We’re excited to announce that we’re now providing voicemail capabilities for all VoIP-enabled users in Microsoft Teams. VoIP-enabled users will now be able to receive and hear voicemails in the Teams desktop and web clients. This feature is on-by-default and requires administrator action to disable. If transcription is enabled for your tenant via Voicemail Policy, your users can also see voicemail transcriptions in their desktop clients, web clients, and in outlook clients. This message is... |
Mar 28
Mar 28
New feature:
Automatic processing of small changes in meeting details
Automatic processing of small changes in meeting details is a new Office 365 feature. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 30674. As announced at Microsoft Ignite 2018, we are rolling out an improvement to reduce the number of unnecessary meeting message updates seen by attendees. You can see the initial announcement here. More ... MC176696 Like | Dislike |
Mar 28
Updated rollout of
Mail Reads within Exchange Online Mailbox Audit
In MC171679 we introduced audit of mail reads/accessed by default for owners, admins and delegates under the MailItemsAccessed action, with automatic availability of the action for users on default audit configuration.We have rolled back the feature, at this time, and so the MailItemsAccessed action will no longer be available.This enhancement is related to Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 32224. |
Mar 27
New feature: Praise
in Microsoft Teams
Praise is a new Microsoft Teams feature that gives users the option to send Praise badges to their colleagues, and we are beginning the rollout starting today. This feature is on-by-default and requires administrator action to disable. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 49172. |
Mar 26
We're making some
changes to how you manage restricted users
Restricted Users is a new Office 365 feature. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon. It is a replacement for the Exchange Action Center.This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID: 31546. |
Mar 25
Updated Feature:
Mail flow insights
We’re releasing new Mail flow insights. There will be 6 new insights/reports added on the Mail flow dashboard in Security & Compliance Center. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon.This message is associated with Office 365 Roadmap ID 49361. |
Mar 25
Giving your
organization more transparency and control over Microsoft 365 cloud connected
experiences for Office
Major Update: General Availability Microsoft protects and respects the privacy of your Office data, whether that data is an email, a Word document stored in OneDrive, or similar user content. This protection of your Office data also extends to the data that Microsoft uses to ensure your Office apps are up to date, secure, and performing as expected; and to the rich productivity and collaboration experiences enabled by connecting the apps to Microsoft’s cloud. To increase the transparency and control of this data for our... |
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